Game Earning
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Solo Mode has both a Daily Energy Cap and Daily Token Cap. These limits restrict the amount of Energy and tokens that users can have per day.
Users start the game with 2/2 Energy. Max Energy Caps at 20/20. Users can increase their Energy by getting more or higher quality Sneakers (Refer to Energy System above)
Users start the game with a 5/5 Daily XRT Cap. The Daily Token Cap maxes out at 300 XRT. Users can increase their Daily Token Cap by leveling up their Sneakers. User can further permanently increase the XRT cap beyond 300/300 by burning some XNB. This option will only become visible when you reach 90% of your current Daily Cap.
There is NO earning cap for XNB.
1.K: Player's Average Speed
2.PSE: Player's Sneaker Efficiency
3.PSEC: Player's Sneaker Efficiency's Coefficient (Gem/Socket, NFT Badges)
4.System value: Value set by the game developer, subject to change
5.Parameter: A range of system values
The factors which affect XRT Earnings are:
1.Total Energy
2.Movement Speed
3.Sneaker (Type, Attributes, Quality & Level)
4.Gem (Type, Level & inserted Socket Quality)
5.NFT Badges
Mystery box value determines if there will be a Mystery Box drop:
1.PSL: Player Sneaker Luck
2.PSLC: Player Sneaker Luck Coefficient (Gem/Socket, NFT badges)
The factors which affect Mystery Box Quality are:
1.Energy used in one single session
2.Luck value of Sneaker
The game will charge different tax and fee to various In-app Activities as indicated:
Marketplace Trading Fee
Marketplace Royalty Fee
ββThe Royalty Fee is payable to the NFT creators.