Sneaker NFT

Move to Earn sneaker NFT that everyone can participate in.

Sneaker Attributes

Including sneakers Efficiency, Luck, Comfort, Resilience, Type, Quality, Level, etc.

1.Efficiency (XRT Earning)

In Solo Mode, Efficiency plays a part in XRT earnings. Having a higher Efficiency Attribute will result in better XRT earnings per Energy spent.

In Team battle Mode, higher Efficiency leads to a faster accumulation of Leaderboard points.

2.Luck (Mystery Box)

Luck determines the frequency and quality of a Mystery Box drop.

3.Comfort (XNB Earning)

Comfort determines how often players get short/long buffs.

4.Resilience (Durability/Repair)

In Solo Mode, Resilience affects the decay rate of durability. Higher Resilience will result in a slower durability decay.

The higher the Sneaker's level or quality, the higher the repair cost. Durability is a Sneaker’s “stamina” bar. As a user moves, Durability will decrease. Sneakers receive a “worn-out” penalty at 2 Durability touch points:

1.At 50/100 Durability, Sneaker Efficiency drops to 90%

2.At 20/100 Durability, Sneaker Efficiency drops to 10%

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